GED (General Equivalency Diploma) Prep Course Assessment

In the GED Prep Course learners will work on Math, English, Social Studies and Science which will help prepare them to write the GED exam successfully.   

We want to ensure the learner's success in the program, the assessment will help us determine if you are ready to complete the GED Prep Course. 

Students will be asked to complete a short Math and English assessment prior to course registration.

The GED Prep Course is delivered by Norquest College through their online portal, Moodle. Learn at your own pace over 12 weeks with 30 hours of local tutoring provided through our centre.

To register for the GED Prep Course:

  1. Fill out the form on this page.

  2. The Adult Education Coordinator will reply via email or telephone to book your Assessment.

  3. Once you complete the Assessment at our office, you will be required to pay the registration fee of $105 (any payment method welcome), as well as the $100 deposit (cash only).

  4. You will then complete your registration to the portal (with assistance from our Coordinator).

  5. You have 12 weeks to complete the course, at your pace.

  6. 30 hours of in-person tutoring support will be available to you at our office throughout your course completion.

  7. Once you have successfully completed the entire course, your $100 cash deposit will be refunded from our office.


English Language Level Assessment